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Bacillus subtilis

Release time: 2024-11-05   View volume: 171

Case Study 1:

After synthesizing the Protein A gene, it was subcloned into the expression vector pHT43 and transformed into the Bacillus subtilis strain WB800N. Successful protein secretion was achieved (approximately 85 kDa; N-terminal 6*His) with a yield of 20 mg/L and purity above 90%. The quality control data is shown below:

Protein A Expression QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Protein A Expression QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Lane M: Protein marker; Lane Ø: Blank control; Lane 1-6: Culture supernatant, cell lysate supernatant, and cell lysate precipitate of different clones.

Protein A QC Test

Protein A QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Lane M: Protein marker

Case Study 2:

After synthesizing the Protein B gene, it was subcloned into the expression vector pHT254 and transformed into the Bacillus subtilis strain WB800N. Successful intracellular expression was achieved (approximately 42 kDa; C-terminal 6*His) with a yield of 1 mg/L and purity above 95%. The quality control data is shown below:

Protein B Expression QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Protein B Expression QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Lane M: Protein marker; Lane Ø: Blank control; Lane +: Positive control; Lane 2-4: Cell lysate supernatant and cell lysate precipitate of different clones.

Protein B QC Test

Protein B QC (Reduced SDS-PAGE)

Lane M: Protein marker
